With 6g off BCAAs in every serving in the proportion of 4:1:1 keeps consumer on toes for tiring training sessions by supplementing the body with the amino acids which are usually drained post workout
It flourishes quick recovery and has the feature of rehydrating electrolytes for folks looking to maintain fitness and build muscles. The minerals like sodium chloride and potassium chloride maintains the higher energy level not just throughout workout session but also post workout when body normally gives up due to fatigue.
The extra ordinary blend of branched chain Amino, Glutamine and citrulline gives strength to go on and on without being exhausted or drained of energy. It is a sugar free BCCA PRO essential amino acid rich energizer available in various flavors and powdered form which is easy to blend in water. With accurate 30 grams of servings in one pack and 10 gram constituting in one scoop, our BCAA centered product ensure adequate and all vital nutrients that forms fundament of body building
Stores major benefits for-
Power lifters
Body builders
Weight training enthusiasts
Does it help in accomplishing body building goals?
Fast energy restoration- the reason behind moving towards suppliments is that diet we take isn’t enough to have higher level of energy as well as for maintenance of lean muscle mass. Those having concern of inadequate energy, the 2 G Glutamine per serving augments the pace of muscle recovery, thereby reducing sense of fatigue.
Facilitates muscle pump: 1 g coralline per serving acts as a protein precursor to arginine and increase muscle size with increased blood flow during the training session.
Flourishes immense energy- electrolytes present in our product takes on the job of keeping the body hydrated and great pumping of blood in muscles conferred by citrulline malate keeps the body flooded with energy post workout also.
Not tough for digestive system- usually it is seen that consumer have tough time digesting it but our SNT BCAA PRO with essential amino acid is absolutely free from trans fat in muscles avoiding unwanted accumulation of fat and gives
Quick recovery- recovery post workout is usually folks look for as body building involves long and tiring workout sessions. Glutamine’s presence is an assurance of faster recovery and no loss of muscles.
Essential BCCA- It contains 6g off BCAAs in the proportion of 4:1:1 ensures majority of benefits to muscles from restoration and energy.
Guidelines for consumption
Mix one scoop in 350ml of chilled water and consume as your intra – workout drink. You may dilute it little for up to 400 ml or mix in 250 ml of chilled water to have diluted or stronger taste.
Know when can you consume it?
If you are undergoing any kind of treatment and its medication thereon, we request you to seek the consultancy of dietician or doctor before starting it. The recommended dosage is 2 scoops a day either during workout session, prior to work out or between two meals.
Powder does not let you and your muscles get exhausted, rather keeps them energized during workout through necessary BCAAs and amino acids You can also take it within two meals to restrict the loss of muscles due to huge gap between your meals. Likewise, our powder keeps you fueled for the forthcoming workout session if you take it little before workout. Take it at least half and before your work out to have bundle of energy.
Keep out of the reach of children – People with any medical conditions consult with your healthcare practitioner before using this product.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
It is not an alternative to diet. It should be consumed with a balanced diet for best and healthy results.
Do not exceed the dosage of it in the absence of consultancy with the fitness expert.
Consult dietician or physician before opting for it, if you are pregnant or nursing mother.
Patients with the kidney and liver disorders must seek the consultancy from physician before its consumption.
Not prescribed to children below the age of 18 years.
To be stored only in cool and dry place.
Q- is there any difference between protein and amino acids ?
Ans- Protein is an extensive term that consists of amino acids as its constituent that aids in maintaining the muscle mass in all situations. Protein constitutes almost around 20 amino acids. Out of which 9 of them are not secreted produced by our body or essential and therefore they are required to be ingested in the body through diet or supplements.
Q-2 Is SNT BCAA Pro essential amino acid appropriate for all and can be taken fearlessly by everyone?
Ans – SNT BCAA Pro essential amino acid are not suggested for all. It should not be consumed during pregnancy, when breastfeeding or by kids under 18 years of age. In other case, one should talk to your nutritionist or health care provider for answer as per your age and tolerance. .
Q- Do SNT BCCA Pro contains vitamins?
Ans- our product contains four dissimilar types of Vitamin B: niacin, biotin, B6 and B12. Niacin, B6 and B12 supports individual by providing energy and complete health. Biotin and Vitamin B12 too assists the consumer with healthy metabolism.
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