Have you noticed that diets and other weight reduction means may result in dropping your weight but the reduction is not uniform from all over the body? Some of the part remains in earlier size only whereas some gets too skinny. Your body needs healthy fat too as not all types of fat are unhealthy. Getting in shape refers to having lean muscles which is not possible with crash diet. SNT Mega Lipocut is the product recommended by fitness expert and dietician to reduce extra flab from your body in addition to having only healthy fat .
Product details –
Don’t strive hard for great body and try every second thing in market as SNT presents SNT Mega Lipocut for safe weight loss. It assures multiple health benefits along with burning the fat of the body rapidly with its herbal extracts. Green coffee extract, black pepper extract, cayenne pepper in combination with various other useful ingredients escalates the metabolic rates of the body along with pacifying the body to the core.
Caffeine anhydrous reduces the fatigue, aids in burning of calories and provides stamina for gym session. Green coffee extract is a popular and safe ingredient used worldwide as a weight loss supplement. It also caters various other health benefits like control over healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels. It is a potent anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant with chlorogenic acids as its content. The Cayenne pepper keeps the check over the unnecessary craving and aids in burning the calories faster. It is also a great agent for boost of metabolism keeping the body in healthy state while reducing the weight through weight loss program.
How it Mega Lipocut can help you cut your fat?
• Rapid weight loss- it ensures quick weight loss much better than the crash diet while keeping the body in healthy state. It safeguards the minerals and vitamins from getting completely drained out from the body by providing essential nutrients to the body through it.
• Keeps the body charged- Lipocut keeps the body of individual charged all the time, even after heavy workout. It keeps the enthusiasm on high by keeping the fatigue far off from the individual taking it.
• Numerous benefits- there are a common tendency of human being to give priority to only those things that caters multi benefits. Our Mega lipocut with its various harmless ingredients offers multiple benefits of like improving the metabolism and immunity system along with keeping the guts free from toxins.
Green coffee extracts 220 mg, Caffeine Anhydrous 220 mg, black pepper extract 5 mg, Cayenne pepper 100 mcg, L-carnitine & L- Tartrate 110 mg , L- Theanine 100 mg, Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate 5mg.
Tips to consume –
• Consume as per directions by experts
• Take 1 capsule in morning and 1 in afternoon for first two days. In case of any discomfort or irritation after consumption, consult your expert.
• Take 2 capsules in the morning and 1 in the afternoon on 3rd and 4th day.
• On day 5 and 6, take 2 capsules in morning and 1 capsule in afternoon.
• After that continue as per your tolerance to stimulants.
• Maximum 4 capsules may be consumed.
• Suggested span of cycle is 8 weeks and to be resumed after one week break
• These are absolutely Vegetarian capsules.
Cautions –
• To be used under the direction of dietician or weight loss expert.
• To be consumed as per one’s tolerance as it contains stimulants.
• Not advised for children
• Nursing and pregnant women should consult physician before switching it.
• Store in dry and cool place.
• Not to be taken within six hours of sleep
• Maximum 4 capsules a day is recommeneded.
Q1- how safe is SNT Lipocut ?
Ans- There is a myth attached to weight reducing pills that it lays numerous health hazards along with burning the fat of the body. But our SNT lipocut is 100 % safe to consume as its ingredients are absolutely home based like green coffee, pepper etc. but the prescribed dosage shall not be exceeded in any case, until it is suggested by the expert to avoid any adverse effect on your health
Q2- Is the dosage prescribed above applicable to all?
Ans- It contains stimulants and is therefore prescribed as per the tolerance of individuals. The maximum number of capsules one can take in a day is 4 and should not exceed in any manner. Further,It is advised to consult a dietician or fitness expert before starting it. The physician as per your tolerance will prescribe the dosage working upon your tolerance to stimulants in SNT Mega Lipocut.
Q-3 How do fat burners work?
Ans- The important ingredients of fat burners stimulates the hormonal reaction in the body of consumer which breaks the fat in the body and uses it as a source of fuel for workouts.
Caffeine by boosting the metabolism of the body enables it to use fat for fuel. It also caters energy for workouts and other calorie-burning activities. Caffeine goes on to breakdown of fatty acids found in adipose tissue or belly fat. Fatty acids on being broken down take the entry into the bloodstream and are burned for generation of energy.
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